ClubRunner requires that you must login and create your account. You have already been assigned a username. All you have to do is enter your details and create a passsword. To do this follow these simple steps:
you click the link below (press Ctrl key and left mouse button) which takes you to our Roatary Club of Samford Valley website's Homepage.
Step 2
You will see in the top right hand side of the Homepage in small type is MEMBER LOGIN
Step 3
You need to click member login and select new member. You will be sent a login link to your email you entered. You will then be able to log in
Your user name will be yourname15919 (the 15919 indicates a RCSV user). For example my login name is darrylhonor15919
The website address is
Once you set up the access by following the prompts you can download the Clubrunner App to your phone. The app allows you to easily and readily access Clubrunner once you sign in for the first time. You do not need to sign in after the first time if you set it that way. The App is very easy to use.
Darryl Honor
Rotary Club of Samford Valley
0418 88 3934