The Rotary Club of
Samford Valley

Membership Bulletin
27 June 2022

Update on Clubrunner.
We now have a new website and webpages under construction.
Afternoon fellow Rotary Club of Samford Valley (RCSV) members
Can you please respond to this Bulletin by saying received as I also want to check all your email addresses are correct and working.
We now have Clubrunner up on an Australian web page address . The address is 
There still is a fair bit of work to get it all sorted and I will be working on this over the next couple of weeks. The site is now open to the public and will soon appear in google/bing searches.
RCSV members can access additional club info such as files, minutes and reports – unfortunately you cannot use your my rotary login -  you need to register a new login with clubrunner, but can probably use the same password.
Note that your username needs to have 15919 at the end to indicate a RCSV member. You do not need to register to access the website for general info. 
Please read this first
Go to which takes you to a home page 
Step 2
You will see in the top right hand side in small type is MEMBER LOGIN
Step 3
You need to click this and select new member. You will be sent a login link to your email you entered. You will then be able to log in
Your user name will be Yourname15919  (the 15919 indicates a RCSV user) and this should appear when you click the link in your email.
Ring me if you have trouble   0418883934
Darryl Honor
Don't forget our upcoming meeting tomorrow night (Tues 28 June 2022) .
Please add to your safe sender list or address book.
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102-2060 Winston Park Drive, Oakville, ON, L6H 5R7
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